ShunFeng logistics, named after bon voyage, is China's largest logistics company and also China's official logistics, with the government controlling half of the shares and several other large families controlling the other half.

The logistics company, which even has many mobile towns of its own, can help transport, and its security and confidentiality are far superior to others.

Of course, even the top logistics in China still has some problems. After all, there are too many foreign animals. So now, there are usually some experts in the mobile town with tailwind logistics.

Shi Qingyang sent a confidential express, although it will cost an extra money, but it can ensure that his information will not be found by spark city people.

And those large families that can even investigate these are unlikely to come to monitor him at this time as an orphan in a tertiary city.

A total of nine bottles of medicine were put in the box. If the password is set, the input error will self-destruct, which will further ensure the safety of the medicine. After Shi Qingyang paid the money, he watched the medicine be put into the mobile town.

Spark City is a tertiary city within the jurisdiction of the Yangtze River City. It is also closely connected with the Yangtze River City. However, things in Spark City are often sent to Anhang City first and then to Spark City. Therefore, it will take at least two days for Cheng Xuze to receive them.

After delivering the medicine, Shi Qingyang returned to the villa with his pursuers.

These days, someone has been following him, obviously, some people can't wait.

"Qingyang, have you given the medicine to others? What exactly does this medicine do?"Cheng Ran saw Shi Qingyang come back empty-handed, and asked, he has a rejection of radiation, and of course he cannot drink any medicine.

"This medicine is a good thing. However, I will drink a bottle of this medicine every day in the future. Would you please prepare some for me first?" Shi Qingyang touched Cheng Ran's hair.

"good." Cheng Ran want to also don't want to, just nodded his head.

"thank you." Shi Qingyang laughed and said that this medicine, named the all-round medicine, is of great benefit to the body of radiation energy fighters. With this medicine, the hidden dangers of his body can be completely removed.

"Dinner." Gu Changjin opened his mouth and looked at Shi Qingyang again. He was very satisfied with Shi Qingyang's performance these days. At least these Tianshi Qingyang have been very calm.

After dinner, Shi Qingyang went online again and found Cheng Xuze.

He once thought of taking revenge on his parents, but in his last life he clearly didn't know about his parents, and someone still laid hands on him when he was 18 years old. this time he wanted to be patient, but others wouldn't let him go. moreover, even after another two years, his strength has become stronger. is he still stronger than a large family?

And Cheng Ran, Cheng Ran's safety, he must pay attention to…Rebirth once, he still has a lot of things to do, don't want to revenge, just lose yourself.

"Not hungry, long time no see!" Shi Qingyang just said hello, Cheng Xuze information has been sent to come over.

"We haven't met at all." Shi Qingyang returned.

"I haven't seen you, haven't you?" Cheng Xuze, who opened the video, was obviously somewhat helpless.

"How are you feeling recently?" Shi Qingyang does not intend to continue this topic without nutrition.

"My body has recovered very well recently." Speaking of his own body, Cheng Xuze also came to the spirit. He has asked Ran Xue to help him configure several bottles of medicine. He will surely die in his life.

"Pharmacy? How are you getting ready?" Shi Qingyang asked again.

"I have already bought the machine, but the production line has not been debugged because I do not know what the specific chemicals are." Cheng Xuze added that because a person he didn't know on the Internet had spent so much money, if someone had told him before that he would do it, he would probably have laughed, but now he has done it.

Everything is ready, only DongFeng…Shi Qingyang suddenly asked, "Is Cheng Hui in charge of the Cheng family now?"

"Yes, there was something wrong with my body before. Cheng family was the one who took care of it, but he listened to me very much." Cheng Xuze said directly that he had exposed his identity and had talked about some of his own affairs before, so it was not taboo to say these things.

"Where is your second son?" Shi Qingyang asked again.

"Xiaohong's talent is not as good as Xiaohui's. He is not close to me. I'm afraid he will stay in Anhang City all the time." Cheng Xuze sighed, his eldest son is a natural spoke almighty, then measured the double A's good qualifications, so he had great expectations for the eldest son from an early age, let him exercise before the age of 16, after the age of 16, let him practice spoke.

Cheng Hui himself worked very hard. If he hadn't been injured in the fight with foreign animals, he might have reached Grade 8 now.

While Cheng Hong lived a life completely opposite to that of Cheng Hui. His wife hurt her body when she gave birth to Cheng Hong and could not regenerate. Therefore, she was a bit too fond of Cheng Hong and was not willing to let Cheng Hong exercise as young as Cheng Hui. He finally had to give up.

Cheng Hui followed him everywhere since childhood. The relationship between father and son is very good, but Cheng Hong is not close to him. After his wife died when Cheng Hong was 14 years old, it was more like a deep trench between the son and him.

"Cheng Hong has a eldest son, Cheng Ran." Shi Qingyang knocked down a line of words.

Cheng Xuze was smiling at Shi Qingyang all the time. At this moment, he suddenly became alert: "Not hungry…" The other party suddenly mentioned Cheng Ran. What does that mean?

"Don't worry, I have no malice. Even if there is malice, I won't target a person who doesn't even have radiation energy."

"Who the hell are you?" Cheng Xuze more worried, Cheng Ran grew up in poor health, Cheng Hong and don't let him contact Cheng Gu, so few people outside know the existence of Cheng Ran, not hungry how can you know?

"I am not who I am, I am just in spark city." Shi Qingyang studied Cheng Xuze's manner carefully and finally determined that Cheng Xuze had no malice towards Cheng Ran.

He actually told Cheng Ran beat about the bush a long time ago and confirmed that Cheng Xuze didn't mean any harm to Cheng Ran before he mentioned it.

Although Cheng Xuze is still worried, he has relaxed a lot: "Master knows Xiao Ran?"

"You will know later." Shi Qingyang didn't say much.

Cheng Xuze a full face of curiosity, Cheng Hong relationship with him is not good, often said that Cheng Gu may bring trouble to Cheng Ran, so he has little contact with Cheng Ran basic, only know that it is a basic don't talk, children with mental problems, not hungry deliberately mentioned, is there any other reason?

However, he thought I would be a master of the central city if I didn't want to be hungry, but unexpectedly it was in spark city?

"I've sent you a box of potions. Please contact me when you've seen them." Shi Qingyang added, then terminated the contact.

Since I learned from my not hungry stomach that a small box of medicine would be sent to me, Cheng Xuze was as restless as before when he was waiting for Ran Xue to configure the Class 8 soothing agent.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long before he got the box. After inputting the password, Cheng Xuze saw the nine bottles bottled with the most common medicine.

Although Cheng Xuze believed that I would not use these drugs to harm him if I was not hungry, but to be on the safe side, he found Ran Xue and asked him to help verify.

Cheng family spent a huge sum of money to build a laboratory for Ran Xue, which made Ran Xue wish to stay in it all day long. moreover, although she could not disclose any news of the class 8 soothing agent because of the agreement, she could try to improve herself after learning the prescription…

Because of this, these days this woman is not willing to waste a minute except necessary meals and sleep. When Cheng Xuze found her, she looked worse than last time.

However, now that he has taken the money from the Cheng family, Ran Xue will also do his duty: "No problem, I will examine the medicine immediately. However, this medicine looks very ordinary…"

"Please help me to see if this bottle of medicine is harmful to human body. If not, I will take it and you will record my physical data." Cheng Xuze said directly, gave the medicine to the other party, and then looked at Ran Xue began to play with those machines that he could hardly understand.

"I didn't feel radiation energy in this bottle of medicine, so in theory this is a medicine that can be produced by machines. The composition of the medicine is unknown, which is different from all the medicines on the market now. The drug properties are mutually neutralized, and the stimulation to human body should be very small. The harmful substances account for 0. 034% of the drug…"Ran Xue analyzed the drug with instruments, and soon came to the conclusion that this bottle of drug is harmless to human body.

"Let the machine record my data." Cheng Xuze paused, lying on the side of the machine, connected to a variety of data lines, quickly recorded his body condition at this time.

His body, has been a lot of damage…

Has been tested drugs into his mouth, Cheng Xuze close your eyes and slowly began to feel.

This medicine seems to have a little soothing effect on radiation energy, but it is very little. Besides, Cheng Xuze cannot feel anything else.

Cheng Xuze didn't feel it. He stared at the detector and Ran Xue, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. His wide eyes were matched with her thick black rim of the eye, even giving people a thrilling feeling.

"how is it?" See the data line was scored, Cheng Xuze asked.

"This kind of medicine can repair the injury of human body and restore people's state to the best. It has a good effect on the injury caused by radiation energy. Of course, according to my guess, it must be taken for a long time to achieve the best effect, but as long as the medicine is not hard to find, it can be produced in large quantities, and it is no problem to take it for a long time!"

Cheng Xuze looked at his body report and his hands shook. He was seventy years old and could still absorb the medicine to improve his body?

As a result, besides living longer, will he be able to use radiation energy in the future?

"Mr Cheng, where exactly did this medicine come from?" Ran Xue's face was full of excitement. She suddenly felt that entering the Cheng family was the wisest decision in her life. Of course, it would be better to know the pharmacist behind Cheng Xuze!

Now which radiation fighter does not worry about his own body? This bottle of medicine, however, is of great benefit to the body!

"I don't know…" Cheng Xuze burst out laughing: "Ran Xue, come on!"

Holding the medicine box in his hand, he left Ran Xue's laboratory and returned to his room without looking back.

In order to contact me not to be hungry, Cheng Xuze recently upgraded his networking equipment. When he came to the computer, he was ready to wait for me not to be hungry, only to find that the other party was online.

"Master Not Hungry, did you develop that medicine?"

"In this world, I should be the only one who knows this medicine." Shi Qingyang quickly replied, "Are you satisfied with the medicine?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" The wrinkles on Cheng Xuze's smiling face were all wrinkled together: "Will the master continue to provide this medicine?"

"No, I won't continue to provide this medicine, but you can make it yourself." Shi Qingyang spoke.

"The master told me to prepare the machine for opening the pharmacy factory, just for this kind of pharmacy?"

"Yes, it is for this medicine. This medicine is named as omnipotent medicine by me. It can prevent radiation damage to the body, cure old radiation damage to the body, and most importantly, the medicinal materials are very easy to find."

"What do I need to do?" It took Cheng Xuze a long time to calm down.

"You produce equipment, I produce prescriptions, and I need 40% of the net profit." Shi Qingyang gave the answer directly.

"No problem." Cheng Xuze agreed immediately and asked cautiously: "Master, shall we talk face to face?"

Shi Qingyang originally planned to let Cheng Xuze come to Spark City. Now Cheng Xuze has mentioned this matter voluntarily, but he is saying to him: "When you come to Spark City, let's make an appointment to meet outside the city, but don't let others know."

Cheng Xuze has long wanted to see Shi Qingyang with his own eyes. Naturally, there is no reason why he should not.

He specially found the map near Spark City, took the road of the mobile town as the axis, found the agreed place, and then asked Wang Qing to prepare for going out.

"Master, are you going to drive a mobile fortress or a chariot?" Wang Qing hesitated and asked.

"Drive a chariot, I haven't been out of town for a long time…" Cheng Xuze took a deep breath.

Shi Qingyang knew the movement of Cheng Xuze immediately and contacted He Lan soon.

"I'll be out of town alone the day after tomorrow."

"You are the bait to bring people into our encirclement?" He Lan's eyes lit up. Some of them ran outside the city all the year round and were very familiar with it.

Shi Qingyang is out of town. Those who stare at him will definitely want to attack him. At that time, if they can be led into the encirclement…

"No, there is no need to set up an encirclement. I just hope you can find someone to follow me to ensure my safety." Shi Qingyang said that even if he wanted revenge, he did not intend to take risks.

"What are your plans?"

"All you have to do is cooperate." Shi Qingyang said directly.

He Lan was silent for a moment and smiled in various ways: "No problem."

Arranged everything, Shi Qingyang turned off the computer and went to the exercise room. At the moment, Cheng Ran was preparing medicine there.

Without disturbing Cheng Ran, Shi Qingyang trained on a nearby machine.

The Yang family has become more and more alert to him. If he does not take Gu Changjin with him and goes out alone, he will certainly find ways to deal with him.

It is really normal for a person to be missing outside the city. Even if Gu Changjin wants to help him, he cannot find any evidence. Moreover, how long has he known Gu Changjin? I'm afraid those people don't think Gu Changjin will help him at all?

But what if Cheng Xuze saw someone killing outside the city?

BTP Chapter 36 Ambush

Shi Qingyang always felt that Cheng Ran was getting better and better to himself, or completely without any requirements. Even, Cheng Ran also bought some beautiful medicine bottles online, which were specially used to pack the medicine prepared for him.

This, Shi Qingyang haven't found at the beginning, or going out of the city, pick up Cheng Ran odds and ends to make his potion, finally found a different place.

In contrast, what he did was not enough. The last time he bought Cheng Ran a machine rabbit, it was He Lan who found him before he remembered…

Such as this thing is over, he should accompany Cheng Ran in spark city for a walk-he somehow went to the amusement city when he was a child, Cheng Ran has not been to.

"Qingyang, are you going out?" Cheng Ran saw Shi Qingyang pick up a lot of things in his pocket and asked.

"Yes, I'm going to Fu Neng Mansion to do some exercises." Shi Qingyang laughed.

"Go early and return early. I'll wait for you to come back." Cheng Ran revealed a big smile.

"good." Shi Qingyang nodded with a smile.

Watched Shi Qingyang go, Cheng Ran looked at the contact terminal above the "how to pursue a man like".

He has read the book, but it seems to have no effect. He has no idea how to do some of the things mentioned above. He has been doing some things before, such as sending Shi Qingyang out of the house and waiting for Shi Qingyang to come home.

The book also advocates that they should have their own careers, so he'd better do some medicine.

Shi Qingyang went to the underground city first, and after turning around for half a day in the underground city, he came out of an exit in the north of the city and headed straight for the north gate.

At this time, he even changed into anti-radiation clothing and put on an anti-radiation helmet with only half of his face visible.

There were many people gathered at the gate of the northern city. One was a group of young people who were going out of the city to clean up the plants in the trenches outside the city. This part-time job was not difficult to do and paid less, but it was suitable for people who had just come into contact with the outside world.

In addition to these young people, there are also some men in their 30s and 40s who gather together. They are distributing water bottles and food around two vans, apparently a hunting party.

Shi Qingyang arrived at the exit of the city, rented a two-wheel chariot, then took out the Spark College student card to brush, drove the car out of the city.

The performance of the two-wheeled chariots is very good. The skilled and brave radiation warriors dare to drive this car wherever they go, but Shi Qingyang drove very slowly, carefully bypassing all obstacles. Finally, they found the rut marks of the mobile fortress and drove a little smoother.

Shi Qingyang is completely like a rookie, but in fact, everything outside the city, perhaps no one in Spark City is more familiar with him. And although the radiation in his body is very weak now, it is no problem to use a little skill to find out the situation in the wild.

Two fingers moved, the radiation energy around him vibrated with a very weak ripple. Such ripple reached the rear, but it was disrupted…Although Shi Qingyang did not turn back, he also knew that someone was staying behind him.

In addition to the people who stayed behind him, there were also two rounds of chariots that drove by him from time to time, mostly from Holland.

When communication equipment was not available outside the city, they changed people to drive around him back and forth, which was a good way to protect him.

Shi Qingyang smiled and continued to drive his rented two-wheeled chariot slowly. No matter what he saw, he would stop. He looked curious and kept turning around near the city so that his followers would not be found hiding everywhere.

Shi Qingyang dawdled slowly here. On the other side, Yang Taohai was worrying about his affairs: "Did you say Shi Qingyang went out of the city alone?"

"Boss, that's right. After Shi Qingyang came out of the villa, he went to the underground city for a stroll. He was very familiar with the underground city and dumped all our people. However, we also arranged a person at the gate of the city. Another person was specially stationed at the card reader and recognized him. Now there are three people following him. I have already instructed them to report back at any time."

"This is a good opportunity. You should arrange some people at once to prevent him from coming back!" Yang Taohai immediately the baggage and take the journey, since know Shi Qingyang may find him revenge, he has been worried about fear, lest Shi Qingyang found any evidence against him.

He is not only greedy but also afraid of death.

"Boss, you said it would be a game? The teacher Qingyang, is it possible to design us?" The man who gave the report was a little uneasy.

"Shi Qingyang no relatives, which can design us? There is also Gu Changjin, and I have never seen him contact anyone else…and I think that Shi Qingyang, who was raised by Gu Changjin to accompany Cheng Ran, is just a funny thing, and they will certainly not take it seriously when he dies." Yang Haitao turned a blind eye.

Gu Changjin and Cheng Ran may be really good, but how long has Shi Qingyang known them? Moreover, there are so many foreign animals outside the city. Shi Qingyang died in the hands of foreign animals. What is it to them?

Young man, is impulsive, teacher Qingyang if dormant, maybe he didn't know he had such an enemy at the moment, the result teacher Qingyang offended Yin Tiancheng as soon as the school began…

Just say now, Shi Qingyang should also want to become stronger, will not have some strength out of the city?

"You be careful, remember to bring a red hand, absolutely can't let him back to the city alive!" Yang Taohai added, Red Hand is a level 3 radiation fighter and also the best man under him!

"Yes, boss." The men answered immediately.

"Wait, you let Red Hand come here and I'll give him something…if there is an ambush, give me a nest of those people!" Yang Taohai bit her teeth.

Shi Qingyang was still wandering outside at this time. Although the contact terminal in his hand had no signal at all, the information stored inside was still there. He turned over the map in his hand and his eyes fell on a low-lying place.

He asked Cheng Xuze to wait for him in the low-lying place where he could hide. Now it is time to control the past.

From a distance came the sound of flares. Shi Qingyang glanced at it and guessed that his followers were giving directions.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to be followed by more people. Of course, he was further away. Even if he wore a long-range mirror, it would not be easy for him to see.

He pretended not to feel anything and went on wandering around. He saw a familiar medicinal material on the way and got off the bus to dig it up. When he met a group of flying black mosquitoes, he even sent several wind blades towards them.

The black mosquito beast is a male mosquito beast, which sucks the sap of plants and has a very weak attack on people, but even so, they still bear grudges. Therefore, some black mosquito beasts with long and short arms of adults chased after him. He drove forward in a two-wheeled chariot and slowly reached the periphery of the safety zone.

"Red-handed boss, when are we going to shoot?" Someone looked at the red hand in the red and white anti-radiation suit.

"People often pass by nearby. When he goes farther, we will drag people into the woods." Red hands licked their lips with a smile. He preferred killing people to hunting animals.

At the beginning, he was once caught by the patrol team for killing people outside the city. Finally, Yang Taohai saved him. Then, he even cooperated with the patrol team.

The people around Red Hand shook subconsciously. They used to deal with a person who offended the Yang family with Red Hand. Red Hand cut off the wrist and ankle of the person after catching the person and let the taste of the person's blood spread out…

Almost before long, there was a mosquito beast, a few ant beasts came to the man's side, sucking blood and eating meat, but the man was still alive…They stayed in the chariot in the distance, looked at it with a telescope only feel horrible, red hands have been very excited…

This time, some people will be unlucky again. They suddenly have some sympathy for Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang didn't know anyone else sympathized with him at this time. Now, he is close to the place he has made an appointment with Cheng Xuze and is driving on the road rolled out by a moving small town.

Looking at a nearby tree without trace, Shi Qingyang stopped his chariot, took out dried meat and food and began to fill his stomach.

He Lan arranged to protect him here, perhaps it was the third-level female fighter. She hid well and even the grass that was trampled down by the tree was disguised again, but she did too much, so that the grass that was supposed to be crooked stood up.

Of course, most people will not find this detail.

Here is far away from the city, sparsely populated, is definitely a good place to kill people, Shi Qingyang ate a few dried meat, saw several chariots suddenly coming towards him.

He responded quickly and rolled to the side as soon as he rolled on the spot. At this time, the man headed by him had already sent a wind blade towards him.

When radiation energy is used to attack, the surrounding radiation energy will change and produce ripples. Even if ordinary people know this, it is too late to feel that they want to escape. However, Shi Qingyang has experienced numerous wars, large and small, and is extremely sensitive to such fluctuations.

However, there were too many people on the other side, and several radiation attacks came to him later. It happened that he did not have the original strength and could not even condense the radiation energy around him to make a shield.

Quickly jump from the ground, dodged the energy is bigger, then, Shi Qingyang jumped into the woods beside.

In ancient times, military personnel would learn a set of fake actions to hide bullets. They would twist their bodies in running according to certain rules. As long as they were fast enough, they could hide most of the bullets. Moreover, the more accurately the attacker aimed, the greater the chance of hiding.

When Shi Qingyang fled, he used such a body method. In addition, he also put bulletproof alloy wire mesh inside his seemingly cheap anti-radiation suit, pulling the flexible metal extremely thin, and finally weaving the wire mesh to prevent many attacks.

This road was passed by Shi Qingyang and Gu Changjin when they were looking for medicinal materials a few days ago, so he made good use of every tree and grass around him…On the contrary, those who chased him should pay attention to their feet.

However, even so, because his pursuers are far stronger than him and have been attacking in the process of pursuit, he suffered some injuries.

Of course, such injuries are within his tolerance.

"Why is this boy so lucky?" Red hand side of a secondary radiation energy soldiers watched his attack failed again, incredibly openings.

"This is not luck, this is skill, this boy was playing with us before!" Red-handed eyes are better, at this time I have already seen that Shi Qingyang is not simple, and the appearance that I didn't know anything before was totally a lie to them!

"Red-handed boss, will there be an ambush?" Hearing the words of red hands, the people nearby were shocked.

"What is an ambush?" Red hand smiled coldly, Gu Changjin didn't go out of the city, Shi Qingyang even if contact, also can only contact spark city of those people, those guys, he didn't.

Moreover, this time out, in order to ensure foolproof, Yang Taohai gave him a secret weapon.

The red hand saw that Shi Qingyang had a problem and followed at a distance. Liu Qilin, who had a long sight glass in one eye, felt the same way and was curious.

Shi Qingyang told He Lan that there was someone to meet him. Is there really one? Only, who can defeat so many people?

At this time, Shi Qingyang, who had been running, suddenly fell to the ground and rolled on the spot, then rolled down a slope.

The wind blade of the red hand was beating Shi Qingyang's legs all the time. At that time, it hit Shi Qingyang with good luck, but all the others' attacks were empty.

"Hum!" Red hand cold hum 1, came to the side of the slope, indeed as expected to see a chariot waiting under the slope, estimation is to ambush them.

"How dare you design us!" The people around Red Hand were very angry, but they did not flinch. They did not say that there was a level 3, but there were five levels 2. Such power could already walk sideways near Spark City. After all, Spark City experts were either members of the patrol team or the Yin family. They had nothing to do with the Yin family, and the strongest was no more than level 3.

Shi Qingyang could not have brought all those people together!

The red hand looked at the surrounding environment and then at the chariot. Several wind blades struck the chariot window quickly: "Come out, people inside."

The quality of this chariot is excellent. The red-handed blades did not cause any damage to the windows.

However, after Red Hands did so, the car door was quickly opened. Two people in anti-radiation suits stepped out of the chariot's driver's seat and the passenger's seat respectively. One of them looked at the red hand and said, "What do you want?"

"What do you want? Of course it is to kill you." The red hand smiled and moved the radiation energy around. A wind knife ten times bigger than the previous blade cut down at the opposite person.

"How dare you!" The questioner shouted angrily, as soon as his hand was raised, a piece of radiation energy around him spun and the huge knife was instantly smashed.

Red-handed thought that the knife could cut people in half even if it could not be used to cut the following people in half. Unexpectedly, he was taken lightly and his face suddenly changed.

Shi Qingyang, however, found this opportunity and grabbed the man who did not speak: "Help! They want to kill me!"

Shi Qingyang came all the way here. Although he was not hurt because of his clothes, he had wounds on his arms and legs. He was injured by radiation and was exposed to the air. Now the wounds have turned black and rolled outward.

After asking for help, he immediately took out a bottle of medicine from his body and poured it on the most serious wound.

There is a level 8 radiation fighter around, he again how, will not have an accident.

His attack was easily stopped, the opposite person looked very relaxed, and Shi Qingyang was clearly not afraid now.

The red hand only looked at each other's hand and knew that the man's strength was above him. When he gritted his teeth, he pulled out a grenade and threw it into the pit.

He came out this time with a hot weapon. Although it is easy to get involved in murder to hurt people with a hot weapon, it is an once-and-for-all method to ambush some people in the world.

Now China's state-owned regulations allow people out of the city to carry guns, but the thermal weapons that can cause a wide range of protection can only be in the hands of patrol teams, for no other reason, because at the beginning, before the role of radiation energy fighters was not fully played, human beings used thermal weapons to fight foreign animals, but the result was serious damage to the surrounding environment, and foreign animals evolved faster…

Around the central city, there are still large tracts of desert, which is the consequence of excessive use of hot weapons. Not only that, during the period when hot weapons were used, anti-social people also made bombings in the city…

At present, only patrol teams are allowed to use bombs when cleaning up the extremely dangerous animals nearby, and the average person can only use guns.

The red hand pulled out a grenade, and after dropping one, he quickly dropped the second and third…

Bombs are forbidden to be used, and another reason is that their power is not much greater than that of a radiation fighter's attack. This kind of grenade equipped with patrol teams is equivalent to a three-level radiation fighter's strike.

Of course, many explosions will double their power.

Red hands smiled, the two men may have reached level 4, but certainly can't hide those grenades he dropped.

And he dared to do so, also because these candidates place is too good, this pit exploded, later as long as fill in the soil, what all can't see.

"In broad daylight, they kill people at will!" A voice rang in the black smoke. At the same time, a big hand made up of radiation energy suddenly knocked on the head of the red hand.

The red hand trembled and fell to the ground. Several other people were overwhelmed by the great pressure. Their legs were weak and it was difficult to stand up straight.

The smoke from the explosion slowly dispersed and finally revealed three dark figures.

"Master, your shield has been withdrawn too quickly." Wang Qing wiped the dust on the mask, and his voice did not fluctuate at all.

"Ahem, aren't I worried about them running away?" Cheng Xuze a face of embarrassment.

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